My Invisalign Experience

Before (Left), After (Right). Lighting is different in these photos, sorry!

Why I got Orthodontic Treatment

There’s a picture somewhere of 14 year old me carrying my niece for the first time. It was a photo I was supposed to cherish and keep forever, but instead it was the first time I noticed something wrong with my smile. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew I didn’t like it. Many, many photos later (and a trip to the dentist), I learned that I had a crossbite on my left side. For the next 10 years I insisted photos of me be taken on my right side, or what I called my “good side.”

How I Found the Best Orthodontist

Finding a good orthodontist in Dallas was easy, but I didn’t want to settle for good. Luckily for me, I live in a big city and my options were endless. I chose 3 orthodontists to consult with. Let me note that none of their offices were convenient locations for me. But I already knew if I wanted excellence, it probably wouldn’t be around the corner from home or work. That being said, I traveled to McKinney (1), Downtown Dallas (2), and Richardson (3) for these consultations. You can skip reading this part, but each is summed up:

1) This one was a woman. According to her, there were all sorts of things wrong with my teeth. Braces were my only option. Side note, I quickly learned I wasn’t just looking for orthodontic treatment, but I was looking someone I was compatible with. I really wanted to like this woman, but there were pictures of her volunteer work everywhere. Before she came in to see me, I had to watch a 5 minute video about how wonderful she was. I. Couldn’t. Stand. it. Price: $9,000

2 ) This man said I could have braces or Invisalign, but that I would 100% need a surgery to break the roof of my mouth (it has a name, I swear). It sounded so painful just listening to him! Then, I’d need a palatal expander on the roof of my mouth. Totally not down for this. Also didn’t like how he didn’t just tell me what I needed, he was going to let me decide if I wanted braces or Invisalign. Price: $ 5,000 + unknown cost of surgery

3 ) Finally, I saw Dr. Crosby. He told me about himself and his experience working with cases like mine. What I really liked was that he pulled up two before/afters of patients with crossbites that he had treated. Ultimately, I chose him because he seemed the most confident in his ability to straighten my teeth. He seemed excited to get started, and I’m so glad I picked him! However, I will say that he sees so many people that he may not remember you very well. It didn’t matter to me though, because he was so nice and always made a full-hearted effort to connect with me. Price: $5,500

Invisalign providers are assigned to a “level” based on their experience. From least to most experience, they are: Preferred Provider, Premier Provider, Elite Provider, and Top 1% Provider. To be a Top 1% Provider means to have treated at least 800 patients with at least 100 new patients every 6 months (Holy cow, that’s a lot!). Dr. Crosby is a Top 1% Provider and knowing how much experience he had put me at ease when I felt uneasy with my treatment. If you’re looking into Invisalign, I suggest doing a little more research in the differences between provider’s levels.

Invisalign Treatment

My teeth were scanned using the iTero Digital Scanner; a fancy piece of equipment that provided my Orthodontist with a 3D digital image of my teeth. Then, my digital images were sent off to the Invisalign company who actually make the trays. The trays came in 2 weeks later at Dr. Crosby’s office and I saw him again to pick them up. Initially I would meet with Dr. Crosby every 2 weeks. He would check my progress, give me a new set of trays, and send me off. By the end of treatment, I was seeing him less than every 6 weeks. It was easy!


My initial set of Invisalign trays were a set of 24, but this number varies from person to person. I finished all 24 and I  could have stopped my treatment there but I didn’t. Dr. Crosby thought my smile looked great, “broader, more symmetrical” if I’m using his words. I wasn’t completely happy with my teeth yet, so my teeth were scanned again with the iTero scanner. The second set of trays I received, called “refinements,” was less than 24 trays and was easier to wear with me switching them out every 5 days instead of every 2 weeks the way I had at the start of treatment. Was the second set of trays worth the wait? Yes! I am so happy with my final results!

Invisalign Pros
  • I became a pro at flossing!!! TMI but I used to be lazy and only floss once or twice a week. I know, I used to be terrible! Now I floss on the daily and twice a day if I have time in the morning.
  •  I could eat anything I wanted! I’m not a big gum or popcorn chewer, but I know you’re not supposed to have those with braces. I like the general feeling of being able to see my teeth and clean them to the best of my ability without a wire across my teeth.
  • The Invisalign diet is a real thing!!! I’d floss and brush after dinner and pop my trays back in. Ice cream at 9pm? A piece of chocolate at 10:30 pm? No, not happening because I’m lazy and not about to brush all over again.
  • My retainer could also be used to whiten my teeth by adding a whitening treatment to my trays. When I was 18 I had trays made to whiten my teeth and used whitening gel in syringes every night. I was young and the service was sponsored so I can’t say how much it was exactly, but I believe it was $400. Now, I can ask my orthodontist for the teeth bleaching solution at anytime and not have to worry about the cost of creating well fitted trays.
Invisalign Cons
  • The first 3 days wearing trays are MISERABLE. I cried because my teeth were in so much pain. I didn’t think I would make it past the first few days but I did somehow.
  • The feeling of being sore every time I popped in a new set of trays really sucked. Dr. Crosby told me to put them in at night so I would feel the pain less. I did, but not too sure how much of a difference that made.
  • Having the trays in 22 hours a day isn’t fun. You forget how much snacking you do and snacking becomes less fun. I once went to the mall and grabbed a sample of something out of habit. I instinctively tossed the sample sized bite in my mouth with my trays on!!! It was a gross feeling and I never made that mistake again.
  • You’re supposed to brush and floss after every meal or after every snack, which is at least 3 times a day for the average person. I did this for the first 3 weeks and gave up. Carrying around paste and a brush was inconvenient and I honestly just didn’t feel like doing it sometimes. I just made sure to clean my trays and teeth very well at night and in the mornings.

Ok, that was a long one! Did I miss any pros or cons? Leave a comment and let me know about your experience with Invisalign or braces!

XO, Vivian

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