It’s been a long time since I have a stretch of time where I don’t know what will happen in the near future. Since I finished school a few years ago all I’ve done is work and play, and not really worried about anything. Now here I am getting ready to take a group fitness instructor exam in few weeks and it’s mildly stressful! Will I pass the first time? Will I do well on my audition for the gig I want? Will I be offered a position? What will my new schedule look like? How will I make time for the things I care about? Allll things running through my mind as of late. I know I will be ok and things will work out the way they are meant to, but until then I’ll just be a worry wart!
The majority of the year is over and I’m thinking about my resolutions again. I’m on track with most of them, but one that was always easy for me was writing. When I’m happy I don’t write nearly as much, which is kind of backwards if you think about it. I want to remember the happy times, but I can’t remember them if I don’t write them down! I’m going to make a lot more of an effort to write for the remainder of the year in my journal. I’m just glad that I’m at least writing in this space again 🙂
Do you have any hobbies or games you’re into? I didn’t care for puzzles, but I’m always down to kill sometime. Jeff enjoys them so we spent a solid 5+ hours working on this marvel one over the weekend! It’s silly, but I feel so accomplished. In a society where we sit and scroll, I think it’s important to find some time to challenge the mind too. I have a few friends into crosswords and wordle, so maybe I’ll have to give that a try too.

Family Weekend
My mom and sisters came into town and it was so nice spending time with everyone! I grocery shopped before hand and my mom came over to my apartment to cook for me/ teach me how to make a couple Mexican dishes. We made picadillo con papa which is like a beef stew with potato. I’ve been vegetarian for 3 (4?) years now and I haven’t been able to enjoy my mom’s home cooking since then, with Mexican cuisine being meat heavy and all. Mom subbed out ground beef for Beyond Meat and it was delicious! I missed the Mexican food flavors and glad my mom was able to help me write up this recipe.
Also of importance, Jeff met my family! I’d met the majority of his family and friends so this was a big step for us. We all went out to dinner and they all got to know each other. I couldn’t have asked for a better family weekend!

This story is straight out of a movie and I truly can’t believe this happened to me.
I was minding my own business on a Friday evening going the speed limit on the far right “slow lane.” Out of nowhere another vehicle crashes into me from behind and keeps on driving. I was shaken up so I pulled off to the shoulder to collect myself, then continue onto my destination. During this time I counted 6-8 police vehicles chasing this guy. It was a high speed chase!!! Can you believe it?! Me, with a now crashed car and a victim of a high speed chase.
I phoned the police department inquiring about this speed chase to which I was given the run around for weeks. I was told I couldn’t just show up to the PD, but no one was returning my calls or listening to my voicemails either! I eventually got an answer that the vehicle that hit me was stolen and the driver was uninsured. So, I didn’t bother with a police report mainly because my inspection sticker expired 2020 and I didn’t want to be ticketed.
All that to say that my insurance is covering the majority of the damages to my car, but I’m on the hook for several pretty pennies too. I have been extremely bummed out about this entire situation since it happened and I still am, but nothing will change at this point. I’m a decent person who tries to do good and this is how the universe gets back at me? It’s been difficult making phone calls to PD, insurance, collision center, etc. while working my 9-5 and it sounds terrible, but I wish this would have happened to someone that had the time to deal with this.
Thanks for keeping up with me! See ya for the next five things
XO, Vivian