Journaling with Transcending Waves

Every night without fail, an alarm goes off at 12am with the label “planner writing.” And every night (or morning?) I snooze the alarm for an hour and come back to it later. No matter how late it gets or how sleepy I am, I pull my planner out and write something, anything, about the day I had.

Throughout my teenage years and young adult life I have had periods of journaling that ended abruptly because I had too much to write and I didn’t want to “catch up.” It sounds so silly right?! Now that I’m no longer obsessed with writing every detail of my life, it has made writing on a daily basis so much easier! Back in the day I had entire notebooks and their only purpose was to journal. Life in my mid-twenties is much busier and I don’t have the space or time to keep track of a journal and a planner. So, I found something that has BOTH!

Transcending Waves reached out to work with me and I couldn’t say no after looking at their planners! Yes, it is beautiful, but the coolest part is that their planners extend beyond a monthly and weekly view. It features a weekly reflection and a daily layout divided between a morning plan and nightly review. My two planner favorites are the monthly view and daily layout. If I’ve learned one thing about bloggers and blogging, it’s that they LOVE to plan way ahead of time. Things can get crowded when jotting dates down for meet-ups, photos, and workouts, but working with a monthly view is so easy to see which dates I’m still available! No matter how busy my schedule, journaling remains a priority. The daily layout split between a morning plan and nightly review lets me write down things I look forward to in a day and reflect on what actually ended up happening. It’s so cool to see!

I’ve enjoyed using my Transcending Waves planner over the past few weeks and slowly seeing its pages fill with writing. If you’re looking to get organized, accomplish goals, and develop positive habits, I know you’ll love this planner as much as I do! Use my code ACHANCEOF10 at checkout for a 10% discount on your next purchase. Happy journaling!

XO, Vivian

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